For $8300, a man purchased 400 feet of plastic to wrap his house

There is almost anything that is immune to the harm that natural disasters can cause. Storms, tornadoes, and hurricanes are just a few of the extreme weather events can cause millions of dollars’ worth of damage.

Most of the time, our only options when Mother Nature decides to be unpredictable are to either get out of the way or take all necessary precautions to save our property.

Randy Wagner, a native of Texas, took exact measures to protect his house during hurricane season. Randy might have paid as much as $8,300 for a 400-foot plastic sheet to shield his house from hurricane-related flooding.

Many of his neighbors and acquaintances believed it to be a ridiculous expenditure, calling it ridiculous to spend so much money on plastic and take so long to install.

However, Randy’s extremely wise choice to defend his home from the storm seemed crazy to them. Randy built a 400-foot wall around his house to keep the water out, despite what his neighbors believed. In the end, his $8,300 investment kept him out of damages that may have required repairs totaling up to $15,000.

Like Randy, you must be aware of the necessary safety measures to take while a hurricane is on its way. These fundamental suggestions may be helpful.

It’s critical to stay aware of your surroundings and familiar with the best evacuation routes before receiving an order to evacuate. Plan where you will stay as well. Put all the essentials in an emergency kit bag, such as a flashlight, batteries, cash, basic first aid supplies, and prescription drugs.

There ought to never be a circumstance in which you are ordered to leave and then come home. If you are sticking put and haven’t been told to leave, stock up on emergency supplies that will last you for several days in the event that you lose access to water or electricity. Think about the communication plans your family or perhaps your town has for an emergency.

These websites make it easier to learn more about your local emergency communication service.

Getting Your House Ready

You should make an effort to protect your home during a storm in order to avoid or significantly reduce damage. Before hurricane season, any close tree limbs that might fall during a gust of wind and injure neighboring properties should be pruned.

In order to get your home ready for the extra water that will be coming in, clean out any debris and unclog any gutter sections. To ensure that the doors, windows, and roof are sturdy enough to endure the power of the impending weather, you must further secure and fortify them.

Storms are nearly usually the source of power outages, so you should prepare by installing a generator or purchasing a portable generator. If you have the space and resources, think about erecting a “FEME safe room” or a “ICC 500 storm shelter” above flood levels to shield you from strong winds.

Make plans to stay at home and inform your friends and family of your whereabouts if you are not escaping. Driving in a storm is not advised.

Close all of your windows and storm shutters if you’re staying inside your house during a hurricane, and keep a safe distance away from them to avoid getting hurt by shattered windows.

Make sure your refrigerator is on the coldest setting so that food will stay fresher for longer even in the event of an electrical outage. Make an effort to pay attention to emergency information and the weather.

What should one do when a hurricane is 36 hours away?

Turn on the TV or any other device you would use to stay informed about the current weather and any emergency instructions. Ensure that every essential is included in the appropriate quantities in the emergency kit you assemble. Establish a reliable channel of communication; ideally, this will be by SMS or email instead of phone calls.

Review the evacuation plan with your family one more. Keep a functioning and accessible car in case you have to leave right away.

What should one do when a hurricane is 18 to 36 hours away?

Put the link for your city’s webpage in your favorites for easy access to the weather, emergency notifications, and driving instructions. Take out any trash cans and patio furniture that are light and readily propelled by strong winds. If it’s okay, you can bring them inside, but you should secure dangerous items, like gas tanks, outside. Verify that all of your windows are securely closed. It may be possible for you to board up your windows.

What should one do when a hurricane is six to eighteen hours away?

Turn on your radio and TV if they’re still on to get the latest recent news. Every 30 minutes, you should also check the weather website for updates. Storms are swift and violent in their direction changes. In addition, confirm that every phone is fully charged in case the power is cut off.

after a hurricane?

Watch for updates and directions, and make sure your family is all right by checking in with them. Don’t go home until you are positive it is completely safe to do so.

Avoid traveling by car or foot through floodwaters on your route home since they can be hazardous and conceal unsafe areas where the ground is unstable or has been washed away.

Downed power lines may potentially introduce electricity into the water. For the benefit of the insurance company, take a photo of the damaged property.

Please join us in prayer for anyone affected by the recent hurricanes who have lost loved ones. Be cautious at all times. It’s better to be cautious than to regret it.

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