A couple at the church

Let’s explore a funny story about a couple at church. If you’re looking for a chuckle, this might just be what you need. It’s a relatable situation, and hopefully, it’ll bring a smile to your face.

Imagine a husband and wife sitting in church. The service is quite long, and as often happens, one of them, in this case, the wife, starts to feel a bit drowsy. She can’t help but drift off to sleep. Her husband, noticing her slumber, decides to try and gently wake her. He pokes her gently with his finger.

Now, as fate would have it, just as he pokes her, the preacher asks a question to the congregation. The question is about a significant event in biblical history: “Who was it that led the Israelites to freedom from their slavery in Egypt?” The startled wife, suddenly jolted awake, blurts out, “The Almighty!” before promptly falling back asleep.

The service continues, and after a while, the husband again tries to rouse his sleeping wife. He pokes her once more, and, coincidentally, the preacher asks another question. This time, the question is about sacrifice and forgiveness: “Who sacrificed themselves for the forgiveness of our sins?” The wife, still half-asleep, manages to mumble, “Jesus Christ!” before succumbing to sleep again.

Undeterred, the husband makes a third attempt to wake his wife. He pokes her yet again. However, this time, the preacher’s question is a bit different. It’s a rather specific question from the Book of Genesis: “What words did Eve speak to Adam after the birth of their last child?” At this point, the wife is clearly frustrated with her husband’s constant poking. She’s been repeatedly woken up, and she’s not happy about it. So, instead of answering the preacher’s question, she turns to her husband and, with a touch of exasperation, exclaims, “I swear, if you touch me with that again, I’ll snap it in half!”

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