It is a well-accepted fact that comedy is on life support, if not completely dead. The woke left has taken the joy from many things since 2016, but chief among those things is comedy. Whether it be movies, television, workplace chatter, or stand-up, comedy has been neutered by the woke gatekeepers of the left.
Of course, that isn’t to say it hasn’t gone both ways. Many alleged comedy movies with woke themes have been roundly ignored at the box office in recent years, including Billy Eichner’s gay rom-com “Bros,” which tanked miserably, prompting the fussy star to take to social media and effectively blame homophobia. He said at the time: “Everyone who ISN’T a homophobic weirdo should go see BROS tonight!” Apparently his message didn’t resonate with a viewing public that perhaps isn’t ready for the content he is creating.
On the stand-up stage, while comedy is making a comeback in places like Joe Rogan’s “The Comedy Mothership” in Austin, one particular woke comedian is finding tough-sledding for her latest tour. Kathy Griffin, who perhaps is most famous for posing with a severed head of President Donald Trump in May of 2017, has been attempting to work her way back to relevance after destroying whatever career she had with the ill-advised picture.
Griffin claims to suffer from “complex PTSD” from the fallout resulting from the picture and said last year: “I have been diagnosed with complex PTSD and for the last year and a half I have been plagued with terrifying panic attacks.” Considering it is a fate she brought completely on herself, it is hard to feel much sympathy for the disgraced comedian.
Now, after several years of feeling sorry for herself while the rest of her peers distanced themselves from her grotesque display, Griffin is trying to restart her career by embarking on a new tour. Needless to say, it isn’t going well. The Trump-hating comic has had difficulty selling tickets and recently took to social media to beg the fans she has left to come out and see her.
In a post across multiple platforms, Griffin said: “It’s all about the tour, man. Just freaking get me to opening night in Des Moines. And Omaha is not selling well. First of all, there’s not enough people there.” Griffin either doesn’t know or is ignoring the fact that both Iowa and Nebraska voted heavily in favor of President Trump in 2020. Rather than Omaha not selling well, perhaps they just aren’t ready to forgive a woman who in 2020 Tweeted: “Syringe with nothing but air inside would do the trick. F**K TRUMP.”
Death threats aside, perhaps some self-awareness would endear her to comedy fans. She hilariously continued: “I need comedy fans to come out and see me in Kansas City. Come on! I need sell-outs. I’ve been through hell. I’ve been through so much crap since my last tour. I actually just have to laugh at it. I just have to laugh.” Apparently, Griffin is the only one laughing, judging by ticket sales. The disgraced comic, who recently, predictably, has become fast friends with another Trump hater in E. Jean Carroll, is essentially making a last-ditch effort to save her career.
Kathy Griffin has PTSD, depression, and anxiety from her stunt with the severed head of the president, but apparently, many folks, particularly in Middle America, aren’t ready to forgive and forget. It would help if Griffin were actually funny, but that has always been debatable, and the time might be right for her to fade from the public zeitgeist. On the other hand, her sanity might not survive another Trump Presidency, and that would actually be funny, so here’s hoping sales pick up in Nebraska.